Wednesday 9 May 2012

Cailin Oir on the Kilcreggan run. 05/05/12.

The usual ferry on this run now, Island Princess was unfortunately experiencing engine problems after a creel line was caught in a prop. Buses were running from Gourock to Kilcreggan, however the expected journey time was 90 minutes! So Clydelink put their back up vessel, the Cailin Oir into service. Problem is she has not been properly certified so can only carry 12 passengers. She is seen here in service on Saturday 5th May 2012, carrying a handful of passengers each time.

Island Princess was back in service by Wednesday 9th May, her engine having to be completely rebuilt at Silvers Marine's yard in Rosneath.

1 comment:

  1. I was onboard the Cailin Oir (Golden Girl) when it left the Kilcreggan Steps at Gourock Pierhead. Not long after her departure , a 'bilge sensor alarm' went off in the wheelhouse and the skipper had to stop the boat then turn it around not far off the pier and go back to tie up. After about 15 minutes the alarm ceased and it then continued , but not before a lady , who was onboard , just happened to ask if it went to Helensburgh , upon being told it didn't now , she left the boat rather miffed with the situation.
