Sunday 18 March 2012

Calmac at Rosneath, 17/3/12.

When vessels in the Caledonian MacBrayne fleet are not needed for the time being, they are normally laid up at private piers. In this case, 4 of the Calmac fleet, MV Isle of Arran (1984), MV Loch Tarbert (1992), MV Isle of Cumbrae (1977) and MV Saturn (1977) are seen laid up at the old admiralty pier in Rosneath. Isle of Arran had arrived the previous day having been forced out of her previous lay up position in Cambeltown due to on going works with the quayside which should take 8 weeks, she will not be needed until April, when the MV Finlaggan (2011) goes for annual overhaul on the Clyde. Loch Tarbert and Isle of Cumbrae await their summer duties which start in a few weeks time and Saturn, the last of the Clyde streakers awaits her fate. Having been laid up since August her future seems very bleak and she is getting into an awful state. Her sisters Jupiter (1973) and Juno (1974) have been scrapped, Juno on the beach at Rosneath between May and July 2011 after being laid up at the pier for over 4 years and Jupiter in Grena, Denmark between August and October 2011 after being towed away from the Clyde on 25th June 2011 and been laid up since October 2010.
 Rosneath Marina are now advertising themselves as shipbreakers having broken up several boats already including the Juno, Neptune's Lady and are now cutting up an English tug.

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