Saturday 2 June 2012

Waverley and Balmoral, Glasgow.

An unusual event occurred at the end of May in which both Waverley and Balmoral were berthed in Glasgow for the first time in over 20 years. Waverley was preparing for her sailings to the Western Isles which started on June 1st and Balmoral had just arrived in Glasgow for the first time in nearly 4 years following a new generator being delivered in Greenock. This can be seen as the grey box at the stern and will be fitted properly next winter.

Balmoral's 2012 season starts on June 14th with sailings in the Irish Sea. Waverley's Clyde sailings start with her 65th anniversary sailings on June 15th and 16th.

City of Adelaide, 19/05/12.

As it was low tide I took the advantage of being able to walk all the way round the 1864 built Clipper ship City of Adelaide at Irvine to get a few unique pictures. Access is now very limited to her with 24 hour security and new gates fitted around the slip.

The cradle which will carry her to her destination is now completed and will be re-assembled around the City shortly. Lets hope the cradle will take her to a bright new future whether that be in Sunderland or Australia.